Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012


  1. Look at the above figure Base on the circle O, line AD is ….

    a. Diameter c. Chord

    b. Sector d. Segment

    2. A region inside the circle which bounded by two radii and an arc is called ….

    3. Suppose the radius of a circle is 10. 5 cm. Its circumference is ….

    4. The area of a circle with a circumference of 132 cm is ….

    5. A circular stadium with a diameter of 210 m will be fenced along the edge. If the cost of the fence is Rp 500,000.00 per meter, then the total cost of the fence is ….

    6. The radius of motorcycle wheel is 28 cm. How far is the wheel exactly rolling if the fact it is rotating 1,000 times ?

    7. A wheel rotates 1000 times to reach the distance of 1320 meters. The radius of that wheel is ….

    8. Ratio area of two circles has circumference 12 cm and 15 cm is ….

    9. A park is built in a circular shape with a diameter of 42 m. On the park’s perimeter, palm trees are planted and spaced 3 m a part. The number of palm trees planted is … trees.

    10. The radii of two circles centered at M and N are R1 and R2, respectively. If MN > (R1+ R2), then the number of inner common tangent and outer common tangent to both circle are, respectively ….

    11. The radii of two circles are 5 cm and 3 cm respectively. If the length of the inner common tangent is 15 cm, then the distance between their centres is …

    12. A Math teacher will make a model of an outer common tangent. He has prepared 2 difference circles with radii of 15 cm and 50 cm and used a piece of wire 48 cm in length. The distance between the centres of the two points is ….

    13.The distance of the centres of two circle is 15 cm and the length of the inner common tangents of both circles is 12 cm. If the radius of one circle is 6 cm, then the radius of the other circle is….

    14. A math teacher will make a model of an outer common tangent. He has prepared 2 different circles with radii of 14 cm and 50 cm and used a piece of wire 48 cm in length. The distance between the centres of the two points is ….

    15. The following statement is properties of tangent of a circle, except ….

    a. Tangent line of a circle is perpendicular to the diameter of a circle which pass the tangent point (point of tangency)

    b. There is only one tangent of the circle through one point at the circle

    c. There only two tangent of the circle through one point outside the circle

    d. If Q is outside the circle, then the distance of Q to the tangent points of the circle is the difference

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